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Federal Perkins Loan Repayment

联邦珀金斯贷款计划是一项由联邦政府资助的低息贷款. newbb电子平台是贷款人,使用联邦政府的资金和/或从以前的借款人那里收取的款项. The interest rate on the Perkins Loan is five (5) percent, 在学生离开学校9个月后开始还款, graduates, or drops to below half-time status.

联邦珀金斯贷款与你在newbb电子平台期间可能借入的任何联邦直接贷款是分开的. newbb电子平台是联邦珀金斯贷款的贷款人和收款人.

关于偿还和收集斯塔福德贷款的信息, PLUS Loans and Private Loans can be found by contacting the Financial Aid office.

Loan Servicer


1200 Cherrington Parkway, Suite 200
Moon Township, PA 15108

ECSI提供基于网络的访问您的贷款帐户,允许您查看付款历史, update address and phone information, verify account balances, obtain loan payoff amounts, sign-up for electronic billing, and make payments. ECSI provides payment options such as recurring electronic funds transfer and credit card payments (an additional fee applies to credit card payments; no additional fee for most eCheck payments). You can view your loan account status online. For questions regarding login, please contact ECSI at 1.888.549.3274.

ECSI将根据在离职面谈咨询期间提供的签署的本票和还款时间表的条款对每笔贷款开具账单. 在多个珀金斯贷款账户的情况下,您可能会收到一份合并报表. 在最初的9个月宽限期届满后开始按月计费,并在第10个月付款.

Exit Interview Information

当学生从newbb电子平台毕业时,贷款退出程序将开始. 学生将收到一封电子邮件通知到学生的俄亥俄电子邮件地址,以完成他们的珀金斯贷款退出面谈咨询. 离职面谈咨询是通过大学的学生贷款账单服务电子方式完成的, ECSI (Educational Computer Systems, Inc.). 未能完成离职面谈咨询的学生将被保留在大学记录中.e., grades, diploma, and future registration).

如果学生停止在newbb电子平台就读或转学到其他机构, 他们应与财务主任办公室联系,安排完成珀金斯贷款退出面谈.

Terms and Repayment

Interest and Grace Period

利息将在借款人毕业或不再是全日制学生九(9)个月后开始累积,年利率为5%,基于未付余额. No interest will accrue during a period of deferment.


第一笔月供将在借款人毕业或不再是全日制学生之日起十(10)个月内到期. The minimum monthly payment will be $40.但如果所借的金额足以要求更多的付款,则可能会更多. 还款最长为10年,不包括任何延期期.


在某些情况下,你可能有资格延期偿还联邦珀金斯贷款. A list of deferment conditions can be found on the ECSI Borrower Forms page.

You may have part or all of your Perkins Loan canceled, under certain conditions, as long as the loan is not in default. 典型的取消条件是护理、教学、执法等职业. A list of cancellation conditions can be found on the ECSI Borrower Forms page.

要申请延期/取消还款,借款人必须填写延期/取消还款表格, and submit the form to:

1200 Cherrington Parkway, Suite 200
Moon Township, PA 15108

Loan Consolidation

Loan consolidation allows a borrower, at no cost to the borrower, 合并不同类型的联邦学生贷款,以简化还款. A borrower can contact the Department of Education's Direct Lending Consolidation at (800) 557-7394 for more information.

Perkins Financial Checklist

The Perkins Financial Checklist[PDF] 是为了帮助借款人偿还珀金斯贷款而开发的.

The Consequences of Default

借款人违约贷款导致newbb电子平台违约率上升, thus having a negative effect on the University.

  • Ohio University is required, by federal regulation, 向三个国家信用局中的至少一个报告珀金斯贷款的状况. 如果你的贷款过期了,你的信用评级可能会受到不利影响.
  • 当你的贷款处于违约状态时,你不能使用珀金斯贷款计划的延期/取消条款.
  • 在违约期间,您没有资格获得额外的联邦财政援助.
  • If your loan payment becomes seriously past due, your loan may be accelerated, 这意味着整个贷款到期并立即偿还. 加速贷款将被转发到俄亥俄州总检察长办公室进行进一步的收集程序. 所有相关的收款费用都是您的责任,并将增加您的未偿余额.

    Attorney General of Ohio
    Collections Enforcement
    30 E. Broad St., 14th Floor
    Columbus, Ohio 43215

Collection Cost

俄亥俄州总检察长和/或他们的催收机构将向账户持有人评估催收费用和利息. 俄亥俄州总检察长保留聘请法律顾问处理必要的诉讼以追讨债务的权利. 如果提起诉讼,与诉讼相关的所有费用可能会转嫁给账户持有人. 俄亥俄州总检察长及其指定人员在任何时候都应遵守《 “Fair Debt Collection Practices Act” and any applicable Ohio statues.

Loan Rehabilitation


In order to rehabilitate a defaulted loan, 借款人必须根据康复协议连续9次按时付款. 接受的最低付款金额将需要涵盖未偿利息总额, 滞纳金和罚金以及任何额外的利息和费用将在9个月内累积.

如果您对贷款恢复感兴趣,请致电1(888)549-3274联系ECSI或Terri Powell ( at (740) 593-9930.